I decided to do a new art journal series. This will be every Monday, for the rest of 2024. I am excited to share it with you. I'm calling it Motivational Monday's. With this series, I am hoping to bring some motivation, inspiration, and happiness into your week. Monday's are hard, and if we can start our week off with a little bit of joy, the week will go by much smoother.
For the first week, I was actually scrolling Pinterest, and came across a quote, and it just really resonated with me.
"Speak your truth, even with tears in your eyes" - Unknown

This resonates with me, because there have been so many times that I have kept quite out of fear that because I was crying, or my voices was shaky that I wouldn't be taken seriously. However, we just have to speak our truth no matter if we are crying. There is no one else who is going to do it for us.
Supplies used:
Art Journal
Gel Medium
Fluid Matte Medium
Collage Papers
Med Body Acrylic paint
Acrylic Ink
Acrylic Wash
Dye-Na Flow Fabric Dye
Spray Bottle w\water
Metallic Marker

Color Pallet:
Barn Red Wash
Turquoise Deep
Quinacridone Magenta
Ultramarine Blue
Mars Black
