The Art of Destiny is my way of sharing with everyone my art. Im not a classically trained artist by any means! All I know I have learned through watching videos of other artist, or more often than not trial and error. Ok so maybe a lot of error. I have been creating for most of my life, and it is what brings me so much joy. I started The Art of Destiny about 5 years ago as a small facebook page just as a way to share my art, and now i feel i am in a space to really grow that audience. I do not have just one medium that i stick to, i love to paint with acrylic-watercolor-oil and guache. I draw with pencil and pen, color with both water markers and alchol markers. And recently i have started to branch out into Mixed Media (more on that in another post). Like most artists,I am never satisfied with my work, but the joy of creating and learning is what keep me going.
My life has certainly been a challenging journey. I was adopted at a young age, and had a very interesting (to say the least) upbringing. After which, at 18, I joined the military (oh yea did I mention a war was happening?) After I got out of the service. It seemed like I was basically restarting a whole new life. I got married, divorced, married, divorced (again) and yep you guessed married one more time for good measure 😄. I went to college, changed majors AT LEAST 6 times, and finally settled on being an accountant. (Don't come for me and my very borning - non artistic 9-5 job 😀). But through all of that, not to mention every other trial and tribulations I went through on a day to day... Art and creativity has always been my saving grace. My mental healthy would be in more shambles than it is, if I did not have art to bring me back to my center.
I am starting this blogging journey to not only help get more of my artwork to the world, but to also get me out of my comfort zones with creating and being social. So if you made it this far, I hope that you will come with me, and my art brings joy or, at the very least, a good laugh to your life.