For todays prompt, "Lighthouse", I had no inspiration. So what do you do when that happens? You go look for some. There are a few artist i look at for inspiration, when I am lacking. For today, I turned to Shawn Petite. She is a mixed media artist I found on youtube, and she is pretty awesome. You can check her out on her website, She does some amazing stuff. For this painting, I knew I wanted to use collage papers that had some type of maps and such, but other than that I wasn't sure. After looking at how Shawn did hers, i decided to do something similar. I did not have a lighthouse stencil like she used, so I found an image from that has tons of free to use images. After I found that, I knew where I wanted to go from there. This actually turned out way better than I first thought it would. And I am glad that I stuck it out, and came up with something.
8x10 Canvas Panel Board
Collage Papers
Gel Medium
Acrylic Wash
Acrylic Glaze
Acrylic Ink
Craft Paint
Medium body paint
Spray Bottle w/water
Charcoal Pencil
Watercolor Pencil
Color Pallet
Prussian Blue
Burnt Umber
Hickory Wash
Transparent Burnt Umber
Dark Brown
Toasted Marshmallow
Cabana Stripe
